Will you join our world tour?

We continue without stopping! These days we  really enjoyed all the activities we proposed, from the youngest to the oldest pupils. The water games are always a hit for this time of the year and without a doubt, where they have also had a great time has been in all the cooking workshops we have […]

We travel to America and go on Safari, everything is possible at IA Summer Camp!

It’s the end of another great week at our summer camp! These days we have not stopped, our groups have enjoyed to the maximum with each of the special activities that we have programmed. Water has been our greatest ally, with water games and our inflatable crocodile! Our IA MINI CAMP students have been pretending […]

¡Gran primera semana de Campamento!

¡Parece mentira que ya haya pasado una semana de campamento! Estos primeros cinco días han pasado volando y no nos extraña después de haber disfrutado tanto.  Todo está marchando sobre ruedas:  Los más peques, Mini Camp, están felices con todas las actividades que sus profes han preparado. Han hecho algunas recetas de cocina, han creado […]

IA MORE PROGRAMME: Internships in Prestigious Companies

Students from the school’s 4th ESO completed internships in various prestigious companies, on a day dedicated to bringing young people closer to the world of work. The initiative allowed the students to learn about how different sectors work in order to make informed and informed decisions about their academic and professional future. The participating companies […]

We enjoy a day in nature with “Tirolinas Go Madrid”

Last May, the 4th ESO students enjoyed an outdoor zip-lining activity located in Guadarrama. The students spent the whole day at the “Tirolinas Go” park, taking part in different adventures from tree to tree, sliding down zip lines up to 380 meters long, flying over the Madrid mountains. They had a great time! Brenda Gª-Barrosa […]

In 4thESO we created a newspaper about World War II

Our 4ºESO (MYP5) students have created a newspaper about World War II as part of their learning about this period in history. They have had the opportunity to research the conflict and have taken on the roles of three characters from each involved power to share what they have learned: the nation’s leader, the journalist, […]

Arts Day 2024

“Performing” is one of the criteria we work on in the MYP (IB) through Music, Arts, and Theater, and its importance is immense for multiple reasons. Thanks to the rehearsals for musical and theater performances, and the performances and exhibitions of “Arts Day”, our students develop self-confidence, as well as communication skills, proprioceptive awareness, memory, […]

1stESO went on a cultural trip to Valencia

The cultural trip to Valencia with the 1st-year ESO students was an enriching and fun experience that fostered coexistence and learning. On the first day, after departing punctually from the school gate, we headed to Vall d’Uixó to visit the San José caves. This impressive natural site, with its tranquil boat ride along the longest […]

We discover Pixar’s creative process in “The Science of Pixar”.

The 5th grade students went on a field trip to the exhibition “The Science of Pixar” at Caixa Forum. At this exposition they were able to learn about the process used for the creation of Pixar films and how technology and mathematics are an essential  aspect of achieving the final product. They focused on each […]

IA Education Talks: Emotional Accompaniment from home

On May 31st,  families of Early Years and first grades of Primary School had the opportunity to attend the workshop “Emotional support from home” given by the psychologist Jaime Araque. The families were able to expose the doubts presented by the accompaniment from home; understand what is expected for each evolutionary stage and obtain strategies […]

We enjoyed sensory theatre in I2 and I3.

We all know how many benefits the sensory activities have for our early years students and how much they enjoy them. They have a multitude of developmental benefits for them and what’s more, they have a great time! They love it and we love it even more when we see how much fun they have. […]

5th grade EPO students from Internacional Aravaca win South Summit KIDS with their project The Sustainable Guard

Once again this year, the students of the 5thEPO have demonstrated their aptitude to be great entrepreneurs. As they do every year, they are taking a subject that prepares them to develop an entrepreneurial project, combining research, capital calculation, creativity and design. All of this is taken to its maximum exponent with the creation of [...]

We got the green flag!

April has been a month full of great events and the most important of all: THE AWARD OF THE GREEN FLAG. After passing the audit, we received the Green Flag on the 19th of April at the XIX ECO-SCHOOL de la Comunidad de Madrid meeting. It has been three years of hard work through which […]

4 year-olds enjoy an exciting trip to the theatre to see ‘Hansel and Gretel’.

On April 8th,  I4 students enjoyed an exciting trip to the theatre to see the classic play ‘Hansel and Gretel’. This activity was part of their new learning project, where the children explore how stories can convey important stories and values. The students, accompanied by their teachers, were full of excitement as they entered the […]

Sensory Magic Spring

Taking advantage of the arrival of spring, with its sun, light, colors, and fragrance, we have decided to do various sensory activities on the subject. Sensory activities encourage our children to perceive and connect through their senses. In turn, we guide them to focus on each one during the session, prompting them to think with […]

In IA we celebrate Book Month in style

Books are companions, teachers, magicians, the bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print. (Barbara Tuchman) Barbara Wertheim Tuchman, an American historian, journalist, and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, conveys the importance of reading through this quote. At International Aravaca School, our passion for reading has led us toextend our tributes and […]

In I5 we go to the Zoo to support our Unit of Inquiry on nature and animals

On April 23rd , I5 students went to visit the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid. This outing was the starting point to begin our adventure into the animal world. In this last unit of enquiry, the central idea we are going to work on is ‘Drama can help us to learn about nature’. During the unit, […]

At I2 we enjoyed a storytelling session to learn new vocabulary in English

The students of I2 had a great time with the visit from Kids & Us! It was a great opportunity to learn new vocabulary and review things we already knew.  During this visit, some very entertaining storytellers introduced us to “Mousie”, a little mouse who had lost his ball. With him, we visited the park […]

A Carnival full of colour and fun

In february, we celebrated Carnival! A long awaited party for everyone. This year the costume theme chosen by the teachers to commemorate the centenary in both Early Years and Primary was “Disney”. The 2 year olds painted with brushes and chalk, the 3, 4 and 5 year olds played What’s the time Mr. Wolf?, Duck […]

We discover Pixar’s creative process in “The Science of Pixar”.

The 5th grade students went on a field trip to the exhibition “The Science of Pixar” at Caixa Forum. At this exposition they were able to learn about the process used for the creation of Pixar films and how technology and mathematics are an essential  aspect of achieving the final product. They focused on each […]

VIII Juegos Deportivos CICAE

On the 8th of May, the students of the 6th grade of primary school participated along with 1,200 other children from 25 schools in the Community of Madrid, in the VIII CICAE Sports Games. The pupils competed in the games of catch the flag, dodgeball, kick-ball and colpbol, promoting fair play, companionship, effort, teamwork and […]

5th grade EPO students from Internacional Aravaca win South Summit KIDS with their project The Sustainable Guard

Once again this year, the students of the 5thEPO have demonstrated their aptitude to be great entrepreneurs. As they do every year, they are taking a subject that prepares them to develop an entrepreneurial project, combining research, capital calculation, creativity and design. All of this is taken to its maximum exponent with the creation of [...]

We got the green flag!

April has been a month full of great events and the most important of all: THE AWARD OF THE GREEN FLAG. After passing the audit, we received the Green Flag on the 19th of April at the XIX ECO-SCHOOL de la Comunidad de Madrid meeting. It has been three years of hard work through which […]

Public Speaking Competition 2024

Once again this year we are celebrating our magnificent Public Speaking Competition with our Primary 6th students where students develop a crucial skill: communication. In a world where the ability to communicate is increasingly important, this competition is not only an opportunity for these students to showcase their talent, but also for all of us […]

Morning of sports competitions with Holy Mary School

Our Primary 5th students shared a morning of competitions with Holy Mary School, where they took part in sports such as dodge ball, football and hockey. The students competed in mixed teams, mixing players from Internacional Aravaca and Holy Mary, demonstrating great teamwork, in coexistence with the visiting school. The pupils had a great time […]

In IA we celebrate Book Month in style

Books are companions, teachers, magicians, the bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print. (Barbara Tuchman) Barbara Wertheim Tuchman, an American historian, journalist, and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, conveys the importance of reading through this quote. At International Aravaca School, our passion for reading has led us toextend our tributes and […]

Feria de las Comunidades Autónomas

The 2nd grade students investigated on the transdisciplinary topic “Where we are in time and space”, investigating on the central idea: “the place of development of the human being determines the way of life”. Focusing on the related concepts of “culture” and “geography”, from the subjects of language and social studies, the students  put their […]

In 1st EPO we created an Interactive Museum of Dinosaurs

The 1st grade students investigated on the transdisciplinary topic “How we share the planet”, investigating on the central idea: “living beings have different opportunities to survive”. They have been able to investigate the characteristics of living beings, the different natural environments and the variety in the landscape, having dinosaurs as a motivating element. After a […]

Sports day with Nervión school

Our 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students have shared with Nervión School a morning of competitions, where they have participated in endurance and speed races, games such as dodge ball and field hockey. The students have given us a lesson: sport is a great transmitter of essential values, demonstrating effort, teamwork, respect, self-improvement, perseverance, sportsmanship […]

IA MORE PROGRAMME: Internships in Prestigious Companies

Students from the school’s 4th ESO completed internships in various prestigious companies, on a day dedicated to bringing young people closer to the world of work. The initiative allowed the students to learn about how different sectors work in order to make informed and informed decisions about their academic and professional future. The participating companies […]

We enjoy a day in nature with “Tirolinas Go Madrid”

Last May, the 4th ESO students enjoyed an outdoor zip-lining activity located in Guadarrama. The students spent the whole day at the “Tirolinas Go” park, taking part in different adventures from tree to tree, sliding down zip lines up to 380 meters long, flying over the Madrid mountains. They had a great time! Brenda Gª-Barrosa […]

In 4thESO we created a newspaper about World War II

Our 4ºESO (MYP5) students have created a newspaper about World War II as part of their learning about this period in history. They have had the opportunity to research the conflict and have taken on the roles of three characters from each involved power to share what they have learned: the nation’s leader, the journalist, […]

Arts Day 2024

“Performing” is one of the criteria we work on in the MYP (IB) through Music, Arts, and Theater, and its importance is immense for multiple reasons. Thanks to the rehearsals for musical and theater performances, and the performances and exhibitions of “Arts Day”, our students develop self-confidence, as well as communication skills, proprioceptive awareness, memory, […]

1stESO went on a cultural trip to Valencia

The cultural trip to Valencia with the 1st-year ESO students was an enriching and fun experience that fostered coexistence and learning. On the first day, after departing punctually from the school gate, we headed to Vall d’Uixó to visit the San José caves. This impressive natural site, with its tranquil boat ride along the longest […]

5th grade EPO students from Internacional Aravaca win South Summit KIDS with their project The Sustainable Guard

Once again this year, the students of the 5thEPO have demonstrated their aptitude to be great entrepreneurs. As they do every year, they are taking a subject that prepares them to develop an entrepreneurial project, combining research, capital calculation, creativity and design. All of this is taken to its maximum exponent with the creation of [...]

We got the green flag!

April has been a month full of great events and the most important of all: THE AWARD OF THE GREEN FLAG. After passing the audit, we received the Green Flag on the 19th of April at the XIX ECO-SCHOOL de la Comunidad de Madrid meeting. It has been three years of hard work through which […]

4th ESO learns Acrosport

The 4th ESO students have been working in P.E. class, as a didactic unit, on acrosport. Acrosport is a sport that combines acrobatics and choreography, and helps students to learn and value the possibilities of their bodies, as well as those of others. For the formation of any of the figures, each member has a […]

Meet our IA author: Luna Z.

We have celebrated World Book Day by interviewing our author of the year, Luna Z. Luna has written two wonderful books about China (2023) and Senegal (2024). In addition to loving reading since she was young, Luna confesses that before arriving in Spain at the age of 8, a teacher revealed to her the world […]

Celebramos las culturas con World Culture Exhibtion

We celebrated our international fair, World Culture Exhibition. As part of the English subject, students in 1 ESO and 2 ESO have been working on the project ´World Culture Exhibition´ where they displayed their amazing discoveries of different parts of the world.  Where I come from, in 1 ESO, is a book making project where […]

IA MORE PROGRAMME: Internships in Prestigious Companies

Students from the school’s 4th ESO completed internships in various prestigious companies, on a day dedicated to bringing young people closer to the world of work. The initiative allowed the students to learn about how different sectors work in order to make informed and informed decisions about their academic and professional future. The participating companies […]

5th grade EPO students from Internacional Aravaca win South Summit KIDS with their project The Sustainable Guard

Once again this year, the students of the 5thEPO have demonstrated their aptitude to be great entrepreneurs. As they do every year, they are taking a subject that prepares them to develop an entrepreneurial project, combining research, capital calculation, creativity and design. All of this is taken to its maximum exponent with the creation of [...]

We got the green flag!

April has been a month full of great events and the most important of all: THE AWARD OF THE GREEN FLAG. After passing the audit, we received the Green Flag on the 19th of April at the XIX ECO-SCHOOL de la Comunidad de Madrid meeting. It has been three years of hard work through which […]

Intermunicipal Debate for 1ºBACH: Should the age of majority be lowered to 16 in Spain?

Our 1st Baccalaureate debating team has competed in the 11th edition of the Inter-municipal Debating Tournament organised by the Francisco de Vitoria University. This year the question debated was: Should the age of majority be reduced to 16 in Spain? Our students had to defend the position in favour (supporting the lowering of the age […]

Meet our IA author: Luna Z.

We have celebrated World Book Day by interviewing our author of the year, Luna Z. Luna has written two wonderful books about China (2023) and Senegal (2024). In addition to loving reading since she was young, Luna confesses that before arriving in Spain at the age of 8, a teacher revealed to her the world […]

In IA we celebrate Book Month in style

Books are companions, teachers, magicians, the bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print. (Barbara Tuchman) Barbara Wertheim Tuchman, an American historian, journalist, and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, conveys the importance of reading through this quote. At International Aravaca School, our passion for reading has led us toextend our tributes and […]

Taller de gestión del estrés

What is stress? Is it bad to feel it? How often are you stressed? With this model of questions, the psychologist of the Universidad Europea, began her workshop to reflect with the students of 2nd baccalaureate on the feeling that this emotion gives each one of them. The objective of the workshop was to teach […]

Chromosome Staining

At  Internacional Aravaca School, one of the skills that students are able to strengthen during their Baccalaureate years is the ability to manage laboratory techniques in accordance with a research protocol. Students learned what happens when dividing cells divide and what the mitotic index is as a result. The laboratory practice must follow a strict […]

We worked on water and held the second Eco-school Assembly of the year

The month of February was shorter than usual, with the new members of our committee having settled into the routine of Friday meetings, we set about preparing for our second eco-school assembly. In our third year we will be working on the theme of water. At this assembly, we presented the findings of the audit […]

Pablo shows his confidence at TEDx

Witnessing our student Pablo I. from 1st Baccalaureate give a TEDx talk, along with 11 peers of various ages and nationalities, on self-confidence was a truly enriching and moving experience. The stage was occupied by a diverse group of young people, each with their own story and perspective on the topic. Despite their differences, they […]


Will you join our world tour?

We continue without stopping! These days we  really enjoyed all the activities we proposed, from the youngest to the oldest pupils. The water games are always a hit for this time of the year and without a doubt, where they have also had a great time has been in all the cooking workshops we have […]

We travel to America and go on Safari, everything is possible at IA Summer Camp!

It’s the end of another great week at our summer camp! These days we have not stopped, our groups have enjoyed to the maximum with each of the special activities that we have programmed. Water has been our greatest ally, with water games and our inflatable crocodile! Our IA MINI CAMP students have been pretending […]

¡Gran primera semana de Campamento!

¡Parece mentira que ya haya pasado una semana de campamento! Estos primeros cinco días han pasado volando y no nos extraña después de haber disfrutado tanto.  Todo está marchando sobre ruedas:  Los más peques, Mini Camp, están felices con todas las actividades que sus profes han preparado. Han hecho algunas recetas de cocina, han creado […]

IA MORE PROGRAMME: Internships in Prestigious Companies

Students from the school’s 4th ESO completed internships in various prestigious companies, on a day dedicated to bringing young people closer to the world of work. The initiative allowed the students to learn about how different sectors work in order to make informed and informed decisions about their academic and professional future. The participating companies […]

We enjoy a day in nature with “Tirolinas Go Madrid”

Last May, the 4th ESO students enjoyed an outdoor zip-lining activity located in Guadarrama. The students spent the whole day at the “Tirolinas Go” park, taking part in different adventures from tree to tree, sliding down zip lines up to 380 meters long, flying over the Madrid mountains. They had a great time! Brenda Gª-Barrosa […]

In 4thESO we created a newspaper about World War II

Our 4ºESO (MYP5) students have created a newspaper about World War II as part of their learning about this period in history. They have had the opportunity to research the conflict and have taken on the roles of three characters from each involved power to share what they have learned: the nation’s leader, the journalist, […]

Arts Day 2024

“Performing” is one of the criteria we work on in the MYP (IB) through Music, Arts, and Theater, and its importance is immense for multiple reasons. Thanks to the rehearsals for musical and theater performances, and the performances and exhibitions of “Arts Day”, our students develop self-confidence, as well as communication skills, proprioceptive awareness, memory, […]

1stESO went on a cultural trip to Valencia

The cultural trip to Valencia with the 1st-year ESO students was an enriching and fun experience that fostered coexistence and learning. On the first day, after departing punctually from the school gate, we headed to Vall d’Uixó to visit the San José caves. This impressive natural site, with its tranquil boat ride along the longest […]

We discover Pixar’s creative process in “The Science of Pixar”.

The 5th grade students went on a field trip to the exhibition “The Science of Pixar” at Caixa Forum. At this exposition they were able to learn about the process used for the creation of Pixar films and how technology and mathematics are an essential  aspect of achieving the final product. They focused on each […]

Early Years

IA Education Talks: Emotional Accompaniment from home

On May 31st,  families of Early Years and first grades of Primary School had the opportunity to attend the workshop “Emotional support from home” given by the psychologist Jaime Araque. The families were able to expose the doubts presented by the accompaniment from home; understand what is expected for each evolutionary stage and obtain strategies […]

We enjoyed sensory theatre in I2 and I3.

We all know how many benefits the sensory activities have for our early years students and how much they enjoy them. They have a multitude of developmental benefits for them and what’s more, they have a great time! They love it and we love it even more when we see how much fun they have. […]

5th grade EPO students from Internacional Aravaca win South Summit KIDS with their project The Sustainable Guard

Once again this year, the students of the 5thEPO have demonstrated their aptitude to be great entrepreneurs. As they do every year, they are taking a subject that prepares them to develop an entrepreneurial project, combining research, capital calculation, creativity and design. All of this is taken to its maximum exponent with the creation of [...]

We got the green flag!

April has been a month full of great events and the most important of all: THE AWARD OF THE GREEN FLAG. After passing the audit, we received the Green Flag on the 19th of April at the XIX ECO-SCHOOL de la Comunidad de Madrid meeting. It has been three years of hard work through which […]

4 year-olds enjoy an exciting trip to the theatre to see ‘Hansel and Gretel’.

On April 8th,  I4 students enjoyed an exciting trip to the theatre to see the classic play ‘Hansel and Gretel’. This activity was part of their new learning project, where the children explore how stories can convey important stories and values. The students, accompanied by their teachers, were full of excitement as they entered the […]

Sensory Magic Spring

Taking advantage of the arrival of spring, with its sun, light, colors, and fragrance, we have decided to do various sensory activities on the subject. Sensory activities encourage our children to perceive and connect through their senses. In turn, we guide them to focus on each one during the session, prompting them to think with […]

In IA we celebrate Book Month in style

Books are companions, teachers, magicians, the bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print. (Barbara Tuchman) Barbara Wertheim Tuchman, an American historian, journalist, and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, conveys the importance of reading through this quote. At International Aravaca School, our passion for reading has led us toextend our tributes and […]

In I5 we go to the Zoo to support our Unit of Inquiry on nature and animals

On April 23rd , I5 students went to visit the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid. This outing was the starting point to begin our adventure into the animal world. In this last unit of enquiry, the central idea we are going to work on is ‘Drama can help us to learn about nature’. During the unit, […]

At I2 we enjoyed a storytelling session to learn new vocabulary in English

The students of I2 had a great time with the visit from Kids & Us! It was a great opportunity to learn new vocabulary and review things we already knew.  During this visit, some very entertaining storytellers introduced us to “Mousie”, a little mouse who had lost his ball. With him, we visited the park […]

A Carnival full of colour and fun

In february, we celebrated Carnival! A long awaited party for everyone. This year the costume theme chosen by the teachers to commemorate the centenary in both Early Years and Primary was “Disney”. The 2 year olds painted with brushes and chalk, the 3, 4 and 5 year olds played What’s the time Mr. Wolf?, Duck […]


We discover Pixar’s creative process in “The Science of Pixar”.

The 5th grade students went on a field trip to the exhibition “The Science of Pixar” at Caixa Forum. At this exposition they were able to learn about the process used for the creation of Pixar films and how technology and mathematics are an essential  aspect of achieving the final product. They focused on each […]

VIII Juegos Deportivos CICAE

On the 8th of May, the students of the 6th grade of primary school participated along with 1,200 other children from 25 schools in the Community of Madrid, in the VIII CICAE Sports Games. The pupils competed in the games of catch the flag, dodgeball, kick-ball and colpbol, promoting fair play, companionship, effort, teamwork and […]

5th grade EPO students from Internacional Aravaca win South Summit KIDS with their project The Sustainable Guard

Once again this year, the students of the 5thEPO have demonstrated their aptitude to be great entrepreneurs. As they do every year, they are taking a subject that prepares them to develop an entrepreneurial project, combining research, capital calculation, creativity and design. All of this is taken to its maximum exponent with the creation of [...]

We got the green flag!

April has been a month full of great events and the most important of all: THE AWARD OF THE GREEN FLAG. After passing the audit, we received the Green Flag on the 19th of April at the XIX ECO-SCHOOL de la Comunidad de Madrid meeting. It has been three years of hard work through which […]

Public Speaking Competition 2024

Once again this year we are celebrating our magnificent Public Speaking Competition with our Primary 6th students where students develop a crucial skill: communication. In a world where the ability to communicate is increasingly important, this competition is not only an opportunity for these students to showcase their talent, but also for all of us […]

Morning of sports competitions with Holy Mary School

Our Primary 5th students shared a morning of competitions with Holy Mary School, where they took part in sports such as dodge ball, football and hockey. The students competed in mixed teams, mixing players from Internacional Aravaca and Holy Mary, demonstrating great teamwork, in coexistence with the visiting school. The pupils had a great time […]

In IA we celebrate Book Month in style

Books are companions, teachers, magicians, the bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print. (Barbara Tuchman) Barbara Wertheim Tuchman, an American historian, journalist, and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, conveys the importance of reading through this quote. At International Aravaca School, our passion for reading has led us toextend our tributes and […]

Feria de las Comunidades Autónomas

The 2nd grade students investigated on the transdisciplinary topic “Where we are in time and space”, investigating on the central idea: “the place of development of the human being determines the way of life”. Focusing on the related concepts of “culture” and “geography”, from the subjects of language and social studies, the students  put their […]

In 1st EPO we created an Interactive Museum of Dinosaurs

The 1st grade students investigated on the transdisciplinary topic “How we share the planet”, investigating on the central idea: “living beings have different opportunities to survive”. They have been able to investigate the characteristics of living beings, the different natural environments and the variety in the landscape, having dinosaurs as a motivating element. After a […]

Sports day with Nervión school

Our 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students have shared with Nervión School a morning of competitions, where they have participated in endurance and speed races, games such as dodge ball and field hockey. The students have given us a lesson: sport is a great transmitter of essential values, demonstrating effort, teamwork, respect, self-improvement, perseverance, sportsmanship […]


IA MORE PROGRAMME: Internships in Prestigious Companies

Students from the school’s 4th ESO completed internships in various prestigious companies, on a day dedicated to bringing young people closer to the world of work. The initiative allowed the students to learn about how different sectors work in order to make informed and informed decisions about their academic and professional future. The participating companies […]

We enjoy a day in nature with “Tirolinas Go Madrid”

Last May, the 4th ESO students enjoyed an outdoor zip-lining activity located in Guadarrama. The students spent the whole day at the “Tirolinas Go” park, taking part in different adventures from tree to tree, sliding down zip lines up to 380 meters long, flying over the Madrid mountains. They had a great time! Brenda Gª-Barrosa […]

In 4thESO we created a newspaper about World War II

Our 4ºESO (MYP5) students have created a newspaper about World War II as part of their learning about this period in history. They have had the opportunity to research the conflict and have taken on the roles of three characters from each involved power to share what they have learned: the nation’s leader, the journalist, […]

Arts Day 2024

“Performing” is one of the criteria we work on in the MYP (IB) through Music, Arts, and Theater, and its importance is immense for multiple reasons. Thanks to the rehearsals for musical and theater performances, and the performances and exhibitions of “Arts Day”, our students develop self-confidence, as well as communication skills, proprioceptive awareness, memory, […]

1stESO went on a cultural trip to Valencia

The cultural trip to Valencia with the 1st-year ESO students was an enriching and fun experience that fostered coexistence and learning. On the first day, after departing punctually from the school gate, we headed to Vall d’Uixó to visit the San José caves. This impressive natural site, with its tranquil boat ride along the longest […]

5th grade EPO students from Internacional Aravaca win South Summit KIDS with their project The Sustainable Guard

Once again this year, the students of the 5thEPO have demonstrated their aptitude to be great entrepreneurs. As they do every year, they are taking a subject that prepares them to develop an entrepreneurial project, combining research, capital calculation, creativity and design. All of this is taken to its maximum exponent with the creation of [...]

We got the green flag!

April has been a month full of great events and the most important of all: THE AWARD OF THE GREEN FLAG. After passing the audit, we received the Green Flag on the 19th of April at the XIX ECO-SCHOOL de la Comunidad de Madrid meeting. It has been three years of hard work through which […]

4th ESO learns Acrosport

The 4th ESO students have been working in P.E. class, as a didactic unit, on acrosport. Acrosport is a sport that combines acrobatics and choreography, and helps students to learn and value the possibilities of their bodies, as well as those of others. For the formation of any of the figures, each member has a […]

Meet our IA author: Luna Z.

We have celebrated World Book Day by interviewing our author of the year, Luna Z. Luna has written two wonderful books about China (2023) and Senegal (2024). In addition to loving reading since she was young, Luna confesses that before arriving in Spain at the age of 8, a teacher revealed to her the world […]

Celebramos las culturas con World Culture Exhibtion

We celebrated our international fair, World Culture Exhibition. As part of the English subject, students in 1 ESO and 2 ESO have been working on the project ´World Culture Exhibition´ where they displayed their amazing discoveries of different parts of the world.  Where I come from, in 1 ESO, is a book making project where […]


IA MORE PROGRAMME: Internships in Prestigious Companies

Students from the school’s 4th ESO completed internships in various prestigious companies, on a day dedicated to bringing young people closer to the world of work. The initiative allowed the students to learn about how different sectors work in order to make informed and informed decisions about their academic and professional future. The participating companies […]

5th grade EPO students from Internacional Aravaca win South Summit KIDS with their project The Sustainable Guard

Once again this year, the students of the 5thEPO have demonstrated their aptitude to be great entrepreneurs. As they do every year, they are taking a subject that prepares them to develop an entrepreneurial project, combining research, capital calculation, creativity and design. All of this is taken to its maximum exponent with the creation of [...]

We got the green flag!

April has been a month full of great events and the most important of all: THE AWARD OF THE GREEN FLAG. After passing the audit, we received the Green Flag on the 19th of April at the XIX ECO-SCHOOL de la Comunidad de Madrid meeting. It has been three years of hard work through which […]

Intermunicipal Debate for 1ºBACH: Should the age of majority be lowered to 16 in Spain?

Our 1st Baccalaureate debating team has competed in the 11th edition of the Inter-municipal Debating Tournament organised by the Francisco de Vitoria University. This year the question debated was: Should the age of majority be reduced to 16 in Spain? Our students had to defend the position in favour (supporting the lowering of the age […]

Meet our IA author: Luna Z.

We have celebrated World Book Day by interviewing our author of the year, Luna Z. Luna has written two wonderful books about China (2023) and Senegal (2024). In addition to loving reading since she was young, Luna confesses that before arriving in Spain at the age of 8, a teacher revealed to her the world […]

In IA we celebrate Book Month in style

Books are companions, teachers, magicians, the bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print. (Barbara Tuchman) Barbara Wertheim Tuchman, an American historian, journalist, and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, conveys the importance of reading through this quote. At International Aravaca School, our passion for reading has led us toextend our tributes and […]

Taller de gestión del estrés

What is stress? Is it bad to feel it? How often are you stressed? With this model of questions, the psychologist of the Universidad Europea, began her workshop to reflect with the students of 2nd baccalaureate on the feeling that this emotion gives each one of them. The objective of the workshop was to teach […]

Chromosome Staining

At  Internacional Aravaca School, one of the skills that students are able to strengthen during their Baccalaureate years is the ability to manage laboratory techniques in accordance with a research protocol. Students learned what happens when dividing cells divide and what the mitotic index is as a result. The laboratory practice must follow a strict […]

We worked on water and held the second Eco-school Assembly of the year

The month of February was shorter than usual, with the new members of our committee having settled into the routine of Friday meetings, we set about preparing for our second eco-school assembly. In our third year we will be working on the theme of water. At this assembly, we presented the findings of the audit […]

Pablo shows his confidence at TEDx

Witnessing our student Pablo I. from 1st Baccalaureate give a TEDx talk, along with 11 peers of various ages and nationalities, on self-confidence was a truly enriching and moving experience. The stage was occupied by a diverse group of young people, each with their own story and perspective on the topic. Despite their differences, they […]

Getting Ready for Halloween

  Who said teenagers cannot learn from I3 kids and vice versa? This time, the groups of I3 have invited 2ESO students to prepare together a special activity. As this week we celebrate Halloween, we thought it could be a nice idea to spend a different afternoon together. Our main objective has been to give […]

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Día de la Convivencia

En Secundaria y Bachillerato celebramos el día de la Convivencia el miércoles pasado 25 de octubre y además, nos estrenamos con los grupos de convivencia dentro de nuestro programa ADOLESCENTES CON PERSONALIDAD para dar continuidad al proyecto de House competition de Primaria. Hemos disfrutado de diferentes actividades como: – Los alumnos mediadores del año pasado […]

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I5 at the zoo

The I5 students enjoyed our field trip to the zoo.  The boys and girls were very excited to observe the wild animals.  They were especially amazed in the zoo’s aquarium.  In the midst of all the movement and noise, the children became quiet and contemplated the many underwater animals and plants.  The sea lion and […]

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Mi verdadera historia

  Desde el inicio de curso, los alumnos de 2°ESO de Internacional Aravaca han estado trabajando paralelamente al Plan Lector en escribir su propia “novela”. Una recopilación de historias personales que seguían la línea de la lectura “Mi verdadera historia” de Juan José Millás. El resultado ha sido un proyecto maravilloso que les ha ayudado […]

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Comienza la temporada de Fútbol

  Este sábado 21 de octubre daba comienzo la liga de fútbol escolar de Pozuelo/Aravaca. Internacional Aravaca arrasa en este debut con la victoria completa de sus tres equipos. Equipo de prebenjamines de primer año: 7-2. Equipo de prebenjamiens de segundo año: 8-4. Equipo de benjamines: 6-3. Enhorabuena a todos los equipos y os animamos […]

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Bienvenidos a TalentIA

Durante la semana del 2 de octubre se realizó la inauguración del Rincón de Talentia, explicando a los alumnos qué era, para qué se utilizaba e invitando a todos los alumnos a que participaran de ese rincón. Nos encontramos con muchas dudas y preguntas, alumnos muy familiarizados con el proyecto, pero sobre todo, ilusión. ILUSIÓN […]

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Ecogarden Project: The taking off

We finally got it! After two years of planning and unsuccessful attemps, we have just started all the planting works in our Ecogarden. We have projected our garden as a Botanic one; It is devided into three different terraces: green garden, aromatic plants and medicional plants. We are also going to have a greenhouse, so […]

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Día de la Banderita 2017

Como en años anteriores el día 5 de octubre, el colegio participó con CRUZ ROJA en el DIA DE LA BANDERITA. Esta vez la recaudación de todos los alumnos del colegio fue llevada por 5 alumnos de 1º y 2º de EPO que representaron al centro por su buen comportamiento y orgullosos de ello dejaron […]

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Reto tech

Proyecto RetoTech

  El Colegio Internacional Aravaca ha sido seleccionado para participar en el Proyecto RetoTech 2018 de la Fundación Endesa en la categoría de Primaria. ¿Qué es RetoTech_Fundación_Endesa? La Fundación Endesa, a través de RetoTech_Fundación_Endesa y con el fin de contribuir e impulsar proyectos que transformen e innoven la educación de los más jóvenes, tiene el […]

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Be Internet Awesome: La Seguridad en Internet

Como parte del programa de Tecnología del Colegio, este año los alumnos de 5º y 6º de EPO han trabajado la Seguridad en Internet para comenzar el curso. Para estudiar los conceptos fundamentales hemos utilizado el programa “Be Internet Awesome” de Google, donde se trabajan 5 aspectos fundamentales con ejercicios y juegos online. Los alumnos […]

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IA’s Cambridge – DELF – Goethe Award Ceremony

Again, last Friday, September 29th, 2017, we held at school IA’s Cambridge –DELF-GOETHE Award Ceremony. At it, we recognized our students’ merit and hard-work accomplished at these very important internationally recognized exams. This past school year, for the first time at school, our students also sat for DELF and GOETHE exams: the French and German […]

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Encuentro Pizarra 2017

  The anual conference “ Encuentro Pizarra”, on its 2017 edition, was held in Grajera (Segovia) on 30th September and 1st October. A number of educational professionals had the opportunity of sharing two intense days to analyze and consider new educational trends around new technologies at school. Janet V. Tribouillier participated with a workshop and […]

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