IA MORE PROGRAMME: Internships in Prestigious Companies
Students from the school’s 4th ESO completed internships in various prestigious companies, on a day dedicated to bringing young people closer to the world of work. The initiative allowed the students to learn about how different sectors work in order to make informed and informed decisions about their academic and professional future.
The participating companies were Clínica Dental Vilar-Sancho, PageGroup, Buy&Hold, Eurobanan Gamero, Goodyear, Psicología Europa, SPIRALIA EVENTS, ZOETECH, Grupo Pacífico, BASICO REAL ESTATE, GOOGLE and MIRANZA. In each one, the students were involved in real activities and gained a better understanding of the day-to-day work of their professionals.
For example, at GOOGLE, students marvelled at the innovative environment and advanced technologies. At Psychology Europe, they learned about psychological therapy techniques, and at Goodyear, they learned about innovation in the tyre industry.
The school principal stressed the importance of these experiences: “We want our students to have a clear and practical view of the different career options available to them”
The day was a success, providing students with a unique opportunity to explore their interests and gain practical knowledge in various industries.
Miriam S.