Primary – IB Programme
Primary education comprises six academic years and is the first compulsory stage of the education system. In the Skyline project, pupils create and build their knowledge with enthusiasm.
They develop their autonomy and self-confidence and become aware of their personal responsibilities. They begin to manage their emotions, we accompany them in this process by reinforcing their self-esteem, without forgetting that play continues to be a fundamental part of their development, both physically, socially and cognitively.
Under the Spanish educational system, LOMLOE, we work with International methodology (IB-PEP).
The PYP offers a transdisciplinary, inquiry-based curriculum framework that develops conceptual understanding. It is a learner-centred educational approach for children aged 3-12 years. The PYP draws on the best educational research, experiences and thought leadership in education from IB World Schools.
The PYP curriculum recognises the innate potential of students to inquire, both in school and in the wider world, to question, ask questions and theorise about themselves, others and the world around them.
Guided throughout the year by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, Transdisciplinarity transcends subjects: PYP students learn to appreciate knowledge, conceptual understanding, skills and personal attributes as an interconnected whole. They can reflect on the importance of their learning to take meaningful action in their community and beyond.
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