We obtain the level of “mastery” in safeguarding audit
Our Delegated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) team conducts an advanced safeguarding update every two years. We take the opportunity of this year’s second safeguarding update and the fact that we have just achieved mastery level in the audit to remind you of the roles and members of the safeguarding team.
- Play a leading role in ensuring that the school takes action to support any children who may be at risk.
- Together with the Headteacher, ensure that all staff, both teaching and non-teaching, are aware of their responsibilities for safeguarding and child protection.
- Have appropriate training in addition to the basic training received by other staff. This includes attending PSI Designated Safeguarding Lead training at least every two years, and actively participating in regional networking meetings for DSLs to ensure they are up to date on safeguarding issues.
- Collect and maintain accurate and confidential records of any concerns about children. This should include ensuring that robust action plans are put in place at the earliest opportunity, recorded in writing and reviewed regularly.
- Have clear ideas about local expectations about safeguarding, who to contact, what agencies exist and how to contact them.
- Ensure that the whole school community knows who the DSL/DSL Team is for their school.
- Be aware of local regulations, procedures and agencies that can assist with safeguarding issues.
In addition, all staff have a responsibility to inform the Safeguarding Lead of any concerns they have about the safety of any child in their care. It is the responsibility of the Designated Safeguarding Lead to decide what to do next and to take appropriate action.
Miriam Serrano