Personal Project: we consolidate all the learning from MYP
To delve into an area of personal interest and, subsequently, to put what has been learnt into practice in the creation of a product is always a challenge that challenges anyone. At Internacional Aravaca School, students in the final year of MYP of the International Baccalaureate, corresponding to the 4th year of E.S.O., have been able to carry out this work, consolidating the learning skills obtained throughout secondary school.
This work, in the MYP of the International Baccalaureate, is called Personal Project. This subject helps them to recognise those areas in which they feel more confident and comfortable and to adopt a learning attitude for their lives. These are important aspects in deciding on their future studies.
This work, which was carried out from September to February this year under the guidance of a supervisor, was presented at the Open Day held on Friday, February 16th . At the event, a selected sample of students showed their work to visiting families, demonstrating one of the important IB learning skills, communication.
The works presented showed a wide range of ideas that are directly linked to personal learning experiences, such as: stories shown in cartoons or digital books, websites of self-improvement, information of musical interest or how to improve food and improvements in tents for refugee camps. We would especially like to salute those students selected as well as all 4th ESO students for their hard work.
Rafael M.