IA Awards: celebrating effort, excellence and learning
On Tuesday 20th June the most awaited awards of the year took place, IA AWARD, prizes and distinctions that are awarded to students in Primary and 4th of ESO.
The prizes that have been given in Primary are:
- Commendations for pupils who have managed to demonstrate all the IB Profile Attributes, one award per class.
- Rima Prize for the Book Day competition, one prize per class.
- The two best sportsmen and women, one from 1st to 3rd grade and one from 4th to 6th grade.
- The best academic record in the whole of Primary, one pupil from 6th EPO.
Those students with the highest marks in 4th ESO are given Exceptional Achievement Awards. Some of the amazing prices include a 250 euro scholarship towards next year’s tuition and 100 euro gift to be used towards next year’s end of school trip!
This year’s Exceptional Achievement Award went to Fabiana A. Natalia N. and Pablo I. In addition, Claudia R. and Casilda G and Honorary Diploma. Pablo I also got voted by his peers and was chosen “Best classmate” for 2023.