School Entrepreneurship Fair and Drawing ED
This intense month began with our School Entrepreneurship Fair. All the Primary 5th groups have shown the educational community the product of a whole year’s work.
We have all been amazed by the creativity and entrepreneurial vision that these children have: they have looked for efficient solutions to real problems and above all they have thought about how to help society. We are very proud of our entrepreneurs, keep an eye on them because you will be hearing about them in the future.
In their big entrepreneurship fair, they were able to explain their projects to the families who came to ask them about them.
From this fair, the qualifiers for the annual Drawing ED competition were selected.
Our representatives: Eco-charge and G.P.T. blew the judges away with their approach to business and their look at current issues. It was an exciting day for everyone. Being entrepreneurs and taking on board what it entails has been extremely enriching, so much so that they are already thinking about the project for the first year of ESO.
Mónica Castellanos