What really matters
As a school, we have a very important job to do with each of our students. From the moment they enter the doors of our centre, our aim is that they leave every day with a backpack well packed with many new things they have learned. Mathematics, language, English, biology… The practice and knowledge of sport is also essential. Public speaking, innovation…
But our duty as teachers is not limited to creating professionals with high capacities to study and then carry out the profession they want. As a school, our task is also to create people. People with values based on respect, empathy, collaboration, unity, determination…
Therefore, when last week we had the opportunity to attend with our 4th ESO and 1st BTO students the Congress organized by the Foundation Lo Que De Verdad Importa, we did not hesitate for a moment. We were sure that each presentation of the people who would participate would be a learning experience for our students and that in such crucial ages, it is very important to listen to testimonies like those.
The testimonies from this event organised at the Palacio de Congresos de Madrid were the following and we learned a lot from each one:
- Lola Fernández-Ochoa: a testimony based on the importance of the “clan”, as she calls her family. We learned that difficult things, if shared, are a weight that is divided. On the other hand, if we decide to spend them alone, they multiply. That’s why it’s essential to live a lot as a family and to rely a lot on the people who love you.
- Albeiro Vargas: this angel on earth, as he is called in Colombia, is proof that if someone really has the desire, passion and wants to help, he can get everything he wants. Each of us can do a lot for others, regardless of our age, with small actions we can do a lot.
- Davide Morana: a testimony of this Italian living in Murcia is very hard, but he tells it with humour, optimism and a lot of hope. He taught us the importance of resilience, of not letting ourselves be overcome by problems – whatever they may be. If you fall, nothing happens and you can be upset, but as long as you get up and get something positive out of each experience.
After the conference, each of our students wrote down what was really important to them after listening to the presentations, and we couldn’t be more proud of each one of them.