We are again winners of DrawingED21

As we told you in the previous newsletter, all our 5th Primary and 1st ESO students prepared projects in groups for the Créate Fair. These projects were shared with all of you, our great IA family, so that you

could vote for the ones you considered the best for DrawingED21 of the Créate Foundation.

Well, our students and projects chosen by all of you faced the cameras and jury of DrawingED21 and had to present their entrepreneurial projects. To do this, the students had researched and learned to use technological tools and put them into practice to solve a current problem through an idea and product.


After presenting their projects, the DrawingED21 jury had to deliberate and a few days later they gave us the big news. One of the 1stESO groups had won in the TEEN technology category, with their project GREEN DRONE. 

This gave them the opportunity to go and present their GREEN DRONE project at the grand final. There they had to make a short speech and received their prize.  Our students were very proud and their teacher Edu, who went with them, even more so. 

And we are not only proud of the winners, but of all our students who have worked so hard to get their projects off the ground. You have done a fantastic job and this shows that every effort is worth it!