Your Story Really Matters project., by Iria U.
This year I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Your Story Really Matters project.
During the spring months, I spent several hours a week sitting with Juan, a 93-year-old man, in the garden of the Residencia de las Praderas. The goal was to write a book that would chronicle Juan’s entire life, from his earliest memories of the Civil War to the graduation of his granddaughters.
After months of effort and editing of texts, last Tuesday, December 19th, together with 27 other people who also participated in the project, we attended the delivery of the books.
Despite the work involved, I am very grateful to the school and Lo Que De Verdad Importa for giving me the opportunity to meet Juan. I wouldn’t trade those afternoons in the shade with Juan for anything in the world.
Iria U. (2º BACH)