Along with 16 new members, we start the school year enthusiastic, stimulated, and dedicated to the eco school project. The fact that we now count with an important number of new classmates, encourages us to continue to do our best and motivates us while doing our tasks. Every Tuesday morning, we use our free time to get together, brainstorm and apply ourselves for 30 minutes. Eco-school members work non-stop and create posters, conscience campaigns and videos to spread awareness and educate. Plus, this year we are also filling in a scholarship that will help us improve our recycling centers. In the meantime, we are putting ourselves to work and creating our own trash cans from recycled materials.
Primary’s also doing activities and learning about the importance of taking care of our environment and recycling. This Wednesday, the students from 4th, 5th, and 6th grade of primary attended a summit, where they had to reflect on why plastic is harmful for the planet and what we can replace it with.
They used the group work method “Pencils in” in which they brainstormed and wrote their ideas on to-be-recycled paper. Later on, the students shared their opinions and presented a bunch of information regarding the negative effects of plastic. This summit was truly a great practice and meeting as the new members of the eco-school project were also chosen. Now, the primary classes are focusing on their next project “This Ball Needs To Be Small”. Every week they will pick up and collect litter left on the school campus to make a ball with the goal of reducing the amount of trash found in the floor, playground, and classes.