Entrepreneurship project: CRÉATE FAIR
Our 1st ESO and 5th EPO students have been working since the beginning of the school year on the CREATE challenge.
For those of you who don’t know what it is, it consists of an entrepreneurship project in which 1stESO students have researched and learned to use technological tools (programming, web development, video games, etc.) and have put them into practice to solve a current problem through an idea and product.
This year we have decided to work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This project culminates with the presentation of the projects in what is known as the “CREATE Fair” in which the pupils set up a stand and present their inventions and ideas as if it were a technology fair.
For this, our students have prepared an Elevator Pitch and website presenting their product, 3D design prototypes, mobile and tablet apps and video games to attract consumers and potential investors.
The learning objective has been to make them aware of the SDGs, how they can collaborate in their development, improving their knowledge and use of technology to develop a product and make a final presentation to the world. During the development of this project they have learned a lot: they have developed their autonomy and leadership, they have evolved in their robotics and programming skills, they have become environmentally aware and have become aware of many problems that exist and that they didn’t know about before… They have also had to learn how to use group and task management tools.
The winners of this challenge will take part in the big Drawing ED fair, which brings together students from all over Spain. In addition, if they win this competition, they will go to the SOUTH SUMMIT, of international scope.
I invite you all to visit the website (here) that Eduardo Pérez and Mónica Castellanos have created to show the hard work of the students. In addition, you can vote for your favourite to help him become the winner of the class and get closer to the Drawing ED.
Congratulations to all the participants and to Edu and Mónica for this great work!