In our spirit of making progress in the improvement of our students learning process, we will initiate from the School Counseling’s department this next school year the «Auriga program«, implementing a new learning management platform called Habilmind.
As a school, one of the pillars of our pedagogical work is to identify, generate and manage the talent of our students and stimulate their emotional and creative thinking. Within the cognitive field, this tool helps us detect our students different abilities and learning styles. From a socio-emotional point of view, it helps us to identify emotional thinking, and for students who have completed their Secondary academic stage, their professional trend too.
It is a digital tool which, through a series of interactive tests (which are carried out in the actual school, in the computer room or with an iPad), generates information that helps us improve learning processes, detect talents and weaknesses in students and therefore, be able to act accordingly.
With the help of Habilmind, we analyze these factors individually and propose strategies for improvement, both on a group and personal student level.
[zt_accordions type=»accordion»][zt_accordion title=»Learning Skills Test» active=»yes»]
Learning skills are those used to learn, i.e.: how to acquire the information perceived / what to do to process that information / how to file it in our memory / how use it for reasoning and problem solving.
[zt_accordions type=»accordion»][zt_accordion title=»Learning Styles Test» active=»no»]
The «Learning styles» test takes into account the input/output information, the focus of attention and the intellectual trend. The emotional factors that affect learning style include motivation and tolerance to effort and frustration. APPLICATION: EVERY OTHER YEAR COURSE: FROM 4TH EPO [/zt_accordion][zt_accordion title=»Socio-emotion-gram Test» active=»no»] Used to scan what the group’s social interactions are (sociogram) on the one side: influence and rejection, integration and cohesion, and how the socio-emotional skills are being developed (emotion-gram), on the other: empathy, assertiveness, interpersonal adjustment, teamwork and conflict resolution. APPLICATION: TWICE EVERY YEAR, AT THE BEGINNING AND AT THE END. GRADE: FROM 1ST EPO [/zt_accordion][zt_accordion title=»Test of Personal Trends» active=»no»]Personality traits test graphically presents the elements that have become habits and affect the main attitudes taken towards learning, interpersonal relationships and decision-making. APPLICATION: EVERY OTHER YEAR. GRADE: FROM 4TH EPO[/zt_accordion][zt_accordion title=»Visual Screening Test» active=»no»]A visual screening is defined as the application of a set of specific tests, which aims to identify, in this case, anomalies or Visual difficulties that affect their academic performance. APPLICATION: YEARLY. GRADE: FROM I5. [/zt_accordion][zt_accordion title=»Professional Orientation» active=»yes»]It is a set of psychometric tools that provides the necessary data so that the student can make a balanced decision about their academic and professional future. APPLICATION: YEARLY. GRADE: FROM 4º ESO [/zt_accordion][/zt_accordions]