Our students return to South Summit
We are proud to announce that, this year, Internacional Aravaca was once again represented at this prestigious event. This time it was our 1st ESO “C” students Martina L., Diego O., María R-A. and Andrea R., who did a great job with their innovative project – ‘Natura Bike’. This consists of a modern device attached to a conventional electric bicycle, which is responsible for spreading seeds and watering automatically while the user enjoys their favourite means of transport.
Our kids have been working throughout the year on this project, and for this they have had to follow the whole scientific-technological process: identification of a lack or challenge to overcome in society, creation of an idea that can meet that challenge and development of the design of a project or service that meets the established premises. They have even had the courage to create a prototype for the fair. Martina, Diego, María and Andrea: you are champions!