Cambridge Goethe and Delf Awards Ceremony

October was the month chosen to celebrate such an important ceremony for us in which we are proud to award the Cambridge, Goethe and Delf diplomas to our Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate students.

Throughout the year, there are many exercises, mock exams and strategies that students learn with the help of their specialist teachers to develop a good communicative competence in English, German and French.

These certificates are the recognition of effort, tenacity and hard work, as well as representing an international recognition at an academic level that will serve as a letter of introduction on their resumes. In short, a celebration of learning where students have enjoyed in the case of Cambridge exams, a video of the organization where they were congratulated and talked about the possibilities that these certifications offer them.

It is a very special day of celebration for our students and for us, because with these official certificates our students begin to write the curriculum that will help them in their professional life.

We hope you will share this joy with us and encourage your children to continue learning languages.