Pupils learning to learn

Stage as Applicant School

The Application for candidacy includes:

  • Outcomes of the school’s preliminary examination of the IB programme and philosophy and their compatibility with the school’s mission, structure and culture
  • Plans demonstrating the school’s commitment to making adjustments necessary to become an IB World School
  • Documentation of candidacy requirements, including the school’s legal status and structure, alignment with the IB mission, plans for professional development, and programme implementation budget.

Once the application and appropriate fees are received, the IB will make a decision on the school’s request for candidacy. Occasionally, the school may be asked to provide further clarifying information. Once a complete application is reviewed, the IB will notify the school of its decision.

As part of the notification process, the IB will provide feedback on the application, indicating areas of strength as well as those needing further development before authorization.

This feedback is the first element of the consultation services provided by the IB to support the school throughout the remainder of the authorization process. A yearly candidate fee is charged for services offered during the candidacy phase.

In addition to the Guide to school authorization, useful documents for this phase include the Programme standards and practices, Requirements for candidacy, andRules for candidate schools that can be found in our resource and document library.

These documents are the authoritative statements of the standards, practices and requirements to which schools are subject during and after the authorization process.


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