We took part in the Húmera Cross on January 23rd.

Last Thursday, January 23rd, the students from 4th grade of Primary School and 1st and 2nd grade of Secondary School took part in a school cross-country event organized by the Town Hall of Pozuelo de Alarcón at the Adolfo Suárez Forest Park in Húmera. The students set a great example, demonstrating fair play, discipline, respect, and teamwork throughout the competition.

In the younger age group races, we secured a bronze medal in the boys’ Benjamin category, with the runner Lope del Hierro earning a well-deserved third place. In the girls’ Benjamin category, Aurora Bravo finished in an impressive eleventh place. The runner Carlos Barba delivered an impeccable performance in the Infantil category, crossing the finish line in fifth place. In the girls’ Infantil race, Lily Capdepon worked hard to finish in a well-earned tenth place. Congratulations to the champions!!

Miss Brenda.