Eco-school: improving our habits as consumers
This month has flown by because at Ecoescuela we have not stopped. With the student committee already organized, the members have been in charge of reorganizing the recycling centers in the classrooms. We have also prepared our first assembly for the adult members to attend. As you all know, this year Ecoescuela has proposed that our educational community improve our habits as consumers; so in the assembly we decided how to make our Christmas party more sustainable.
One idea that we loved was to make the figurines ourselves for the Christmas workshop… After we got down to work, we made a lot of salt figurines for the children who came to the party to paint them. We have also decided to make a costume exchange market, you bring your costume that no longer serves you and you can take another one. As you can see, we not only learn the basics of responsible consumption, we also put them into practice.
Eco school team