A very safe return to school
After many months of uncertainty and waiting, today the Internacional Aravaca has opened its doors to welcome the new 2020-2021 academic year. A course that begins with a great challenge: covid-19.
For this reason, we have been working for weeks on a protocol that includes several hygiene and prevention measures so this long-awaited return is as safe as possible for everyone. Temperature measurement, hydroalcoholic gel, disinfectant mats, reorganization of spaces, posters … are just some of them.
The first students to be back at the school today were: Early Years (2 and 3 years), 1st, 2nd, 3rd of Primary and 1st and 2nd of Secondary. They are being very responsible and making us very proud of their exemplary behavior.
During the next few days we are receiving the rest of the students. We are convinced they will also do their bit so that the situation returns to normal as soon as possible.
We are looking forward to seeing you all!